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Access to Best-in-Class AdTech with a Globally Trusted Provider

An Advertiser’s First Call

ATP aims to be the first resource you turn to for information on AdTech. We are your tech experts and can be an extension of your team when needed.

6 Years ago, DELVE was in your shoes. As an Analytics first company, we saw the growth opportunity and demand from our clients to offer media services. But we had to start from scratch. This meant we also had to go through resellers to get the best technology. Although by now we successfully scaled our business enough to warrant direct partnerships with tech providers, we saw many gaps in the market.

Now we are resellers ourselves, we want to do it right and have built our business around doing what we wish we could have had - as we know how much it could have helped further our growth from day 1.

Transparent & Fair Pricing

We have been the victim of hidden, high fees and understand how much of a difference just a fraction of a percent can make.

Monthly Contracts

We know how important it is to adopt new, advanced technology to remain competitive. Test the best tech accessible with no long-term commitment. 

No Minimums

We understand the barriers of onboarding new technology and want to make getting the best tech accessible and implementation successful by allowing teams to take their time to do it right.

Customized Training

Your team will understand the tech's methodology and have practice of initial implementation, to ensure scalable, repeatable knowledge; because we know how boring lecture based learning is.

Need-Based Consulting

Other models in the market aren’t clear on what support you actually get so offering separate hours for purchase ensures you only pay for what you need and enables us to keep prices and terms optimal. 

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Amazon DSP

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Display & Video 360


Campaign Manager

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Search Ads 360

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Analytics 360

Google Cloud

DELVE offers enterprise technology that we know works and aim to increase this offering as we grow our partnerships. We take a tech-agnostic approach because we understand the need for brand’s to adopt customized stacks to unlock the best performance. This has enabled us with experience across a wide range of AdTech, and although we may not be able to re-sell them -- we can provide guidance and share learnings from our own experiences.

Get in Touch

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Engagement of Interest (Select all that apply):

Thanks for reaching out! One of our experts will be in touch with you shortly.

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